Blogger Help Keyboard Shortcuts for Posting with Blogger

blogger help
Blogger Help Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are a feature I find incredibly useful. Most of our favourite applications offers shortcuts to perform tasks, such as the generic CTRL+S to save or CTRL+B to generate bold text in word processing programs (the "Command"/CMD button for Mac users).

Blogger offers us a range of keyboard shortcuts we can use when creating and editing our blog posts to perform some most-used tasks without having to scroll around to find their appropriate buttons.

The following shortcuts have been tested to work in Internet Explorer 6+, although at present not all of these work in Firefox, Chrome and Opera*:

ShortcutFunctionGlobal browser compatibility?
CTRL+BBold TextYes
CTRL+IItalic textYes
CTRL+UUnderline textYes
CTRL+LBlockquote (when in Edit HTML mode only)No
CTRL+ZUndo last operationYes
CTRL+YRedo last operationYes
CTRL+SHIFT+AInsert HyperlinkNo
CTRL+SHIFT+PPreview PostNo
CTRL+DSave as DraftNo
CTRL+PPublish PostYes
CTRL+GIndic TransliterationNo

* Mac users substitute CTRL for CMD 

I've tested the shortcuts above in Firefox 3.63, Internet Explorer 7/8 and Chrome, though have yet been unable to test in Opera (so if anyone is able to do this, please let us know your findings in the comments!).

The Blogger Team are aware that some keyboard shortcuts do not work across all browsers and are working through the issues.

Do you find these keyboard shortcuts useful when posting with Blogger? Please feel free to comment using the form below.
