Start your own blog Writing Content Beefy Tips

Start your own blog Writing Content Beefy Tips

Our task is simple: Write 10 outstanding posts! (Established bloggers, check out the 3 tips below!)
Yes, I'm serious. If you're a new blogger, writing 10 posts now will Start your own blog Tips 
blog Writing Content Beefy Tips
  • Help you clarify the direction/topic of your blog.
  • Make it very apparent if blogging is right for you. (Take it from someone who hates to write…blogging involves a lot of writing.)
  • Give you a good base of content once your blog is live. Make this your best stuff. I heard someone call it "pillar" content and that's an excellent description. Solid content on a new blog is much more likely to get readers to come back; weak content on a new blog is much more likely to repel readers.
  • Allow you to concentrate on other aspects of your blog instead of writing, especially at the beginning when there are a lot of details to address.
  • And just think, if you launch your blog and already have 10 posts ready to go, it won't matter if, say, you get the flu during launch week or something. You know, hypothetically speaking. ;)
For you established bloggers, here are 3 beefy tips:

1. Start your own blog Tips  Make your posts scannable

  • Use lists.
  • Use headings.
  • Use bold, italics and other text formats.
  • Use lots of paragraphs.
  • Break up your content into small chunks of text.
  • Avoid long paragraphs.
  • Break up long posts into a series of posts.

2. Start your own blog Tips  Be helpful

  • Offer something useful.
  • Give practical advice.
  • Write a tutorial or a how-to post. Include images.
  • Solve a problem.
  • Interview an expert.
  • Compile a list of your favorite niche resources.

3. Start your own blog Tips  Be engaging & "sticky"

  • Link internally to past posts and comments.
  • List your Top 10 Most Commented-On posts.
  • End your post with a question.
  • Interact in the comments.
  • Survey your readers and ask what they'd like to see on your blog.
  • Describe a problem you have and ask for reader input.
  • Host a friendly debate about a topic related to your niche.