How do i start a blog for free. How To Setup A Self-hosted WordPress Blog for Free

How do i start a blog for free. How To Setup A Self-hosted WordPress Blog for Free     

How do i start a blog for free. A blog is a layman-friendly variation of a website, and having a blog is one of the many ways to state your presence in the virtual world. While there are many hassle-free blog services out there that will take care of everything except automatically blog for you – like Blogger and WordPress, nothing can beat a self-hosted blog in the terms of customization and self pride.
The problem is, the process of building your own self-hosted blog is (almost always) not free and is considered complicated. So most newbies will choose the easier path and never give themselves a chance to experiment.
How do i start a blog for free.  I personally believe that experience is the best teacher (and that you should never consider yourself a cool person if you’ve never tried to “build” a blog).
So, if you are in an adventurous mood right now and willing to take up the challenge, I’ll show you how to easily set up a free WordPress blog site.
Some of you might ask, “Why Blogger” I could go on and explain how cool it is, , how you can expand it into virtually everything by adding plugins and themes; but to save you the time, I’ll just go with “Why not?”