Blogger Widgets How to add pages to Blogger

blogger widgets, Now you can create a static 'About' page or 'Contact Me' page for your blogs. So it became easy to hide your "Contact Me" page and other pages from appearing in blog's homepage. It is simple to add static pages and create a page similar to how you write a blog post. But the limitation is upto 10 posts. 
As posted on Pages come to Blogger In Draft, Go to Posting > Edit Pages tab and click New Page.

Edit Blogger Pages
blogger widgets

After making your desired static page and after publishing the page, you can link to it from the new Pages widget.

settings to Show static page as links

This blogger widget lets you add links to your pages as navigation bar at the top of your blog, or in your blog's sidebar.

Static page as navbar

In the Pages blogger widget, you can decide which pages will have links and the order that they will appear. By checking the "Add new Pages by default" box, you can also choose whether you want the links to be automatically created for static pages whenever you create them.
