Test the load time of a web page

Test the load time of a web page

Google now uses your websites Speed as a metric in how its ranked in search results… In other words, speed up your site, or we won’t send you traffic!

While Google says that this change affects less than 1% of the websites “It’s customers visit”, that’s quite a lot!

One other interesting thing this new “Speed Metric for Google” brings up, is that you MUST subscribe to Webmaster Tools in order to have any visibility to what Google thinks of your site.

It is what is it is folks…

Update: I have spent the last 30-60 minutes looking at various sites and seeing WHY they are failing to meet the speed metric by big G.

Test your site at: http://tools.pingdom.com/, and it will return a list of EVERY file being accessed and served by your site, including those causing the speed bottleneck.

As I optimize a few sites, I will update a new post on ways to speed up a site.

Test your site now
