Chit Chat Messenger for Facebook

Chit Chat Messenger for Facebook

Social Networking websites are gaining popularity with the passage of time. Facebook and Twitter are becoming one of the most highly surfed Social Networking websites available over the Internet.
A few years ago the famous social network Facebook launched its Instant Messaging Chat Feature and received a round of applause from the user’s.
With the Passage of time Facebook Instant Messaging Feature has gained popularity but Facebook is yet to launch its proper Instant Messaging Desktop Client that could be Facebook Messenger.
The shift of user’s from Msn Messenger to Facebook Instant Messaging opened up space for the Devlopers to develop substantial Messengers for Facebook that would allow more features into the Facebook Chat.
Chit Chat for Facebook is a free Instant Facebook Desktop Chat Messenger that can be used to Chat with Facebook friends without having the need to open the Facebook profile in a web browser. Chit Chat uses an Interface that is clean with the Friends list just like in the Msn and Yahoo Messenger.
The Chit Chat Messenger has the following benefits
 Fun and Free – Convenient and fun way to chat with your Facebook contacts without the hassle of surfing Facebook
Free Your Web-Browser – No need to keep your web browser logged into Facebook
Easy To Use – Download, install and then login with your Facebook username and password – easy!
nstant Message Notification – Lets you know when you receive an instant message..
