Blogging Mythology (Blogging tips)

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There is a lot of advice out there about what you should do to have a great blog. We give it readily. But, some advice is better not followed. Here are a few myths about blogging that you might want to avoid.

You Must Post Every Day

Bloggers who feel compelled to post something every day will often end up with content that is less than interesting. Post when you have good content to share. Don’t get burnt out on writing so that you have no passion behind what you post. It shows when you don’t really care about what you are posting.
Of course, posting very infrequently is not a good idea either. People want to know that they can consistently get new, interesting content from your blog. If you don’t have anything to say, don’t blog.

Keep It Short

People often think that posts have to be short to meet the attention span of an instant gratification world. There are other ways to keep readers interested than short little one-liner posts. For example, use images, headlines, and bulleted lists, like your old college text books.
Another way to keep blog readers interested: have great content. If you want to get information out to your readers, to educate them, to entertain them, it is awfully difficult to do it well in just a few words. Give your readers something to chew over. And, something to engage them. You want them to think about what you’ve written, to comment, and to share it.

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